
The DeCal Program (or just DeCal) is an aggregate of faculty-sponsored, student-led courses at the University of California, Berkeley. Students have the opportunity to create and facilitate their own classes on a variety of subjects, many of which are not addressed in the traditional curriculum. These courses are offered on a Pass/No Pass grading basis and are offered as ISF 98/198. 

Students interested in teaching a DeCal course under the ISF (Interdisciplinary Studied Field) subject area must meet the following requirements: 

  • Student must be a currently declared ISF major. 
  • DeCal faculty sponsor must be an ISF faculty advisor. 
  • Student instructor must be in good academic standing and registered at UC Berkeley in the term they are leading their DeCal. 


ISF students interested in teaching an ISF DeCal who meet these criteria should first consult with their faculty advisor regarding their course topic idea and to obtain the sponsorship of the faculty advisor. Faculty sponsors serve as the main source of support in creating and delivering course content and pedagogy development. It is the student’s responsibility to secure a faculty sponsor.   

The following forms must be submitted to by June 25th for Fall semester and October 25th for Spring semester: 


Student facilitators do not need to obtain the Department Chair’s signature prior to submission of the above forms. The Undergraduate Major Advisor will obtain this once all forms are completed and submitted. 

Instructions for the proposal and on how to list your approved course on the DeCal website can be found on the How To Start A DeCal webpage. Comprehensive information can also be found on the Academic Senate website

Important Notes: 

Student facilitators are NOT instructors and do not replace the faculty members who are sponsoring their courses. Any questions regarding course content, syllabus, grading policy, and any disputes MUST be directed to the sponsoring faculty member and department and not to the course facilitator or the DeCal office.