Since graduating from the ISF major in 2011, Pat scaled a startup BPO firm that specializes in the luxury goods market into the European marketplace as a Global Business Development Manager. This allowed for plenty of travel while he was tasked with opening new offices abroad. Presently, Pat is the Managing Director for the company’s European subsidiary and advises the board of directors for the domestic firm. By identifying the right countries for growth while prioritizing work-life balance for future employees, Pat focused the company on factors beyond profitability. This fall, Pat returns to academia in pursuit of an advanced dual degree in international affairs at Sciences Po in France and the London School of Economics.
During his time at UC Berkeley, Pat Beck II studied the relationship between capitalism and the international financial system. This led him to his senior thesis on sovereign wealth funds. Patrick writes: “I highly recommend the ISF major to dedicated, focused students at Cal that are interested in developing original thought. Additionally, the thesis requirement for the ISF major assures future employers or academic institutions of an ISF graduate’s ability to conduct meaningful research and create original content. I was able to leverage the publishing of my thesis in two academic journals to my benefit when applying for work and to graduate school. The work put into the thesis supplied me with ample writing samples for my graduate school applications; it was a coherent project I could utilize to demonstrate my capacities to my employer. The interdisciplinary ethos embodied by ISF graduates ensures they are often first to be called on when facing complex situations that require both comprehensive research and strategic planning. Working at a startup requires one to wear many hats and often dive into unfamiliar work areas. The confidence I gained by learning across traditional academic boundaries gave me the ability to take on projects at work that were exceedingly complex, which certainly contributed to my rapid promotion within my firm. I believe that the ISF major was a significant factor in my acceptance to a prestigious graduate program by having published academic content and a background that draws from multiple academic disciplines.”
Patricks thesis was titled: “An Analysis of Changing Trends in the International System of Capitalism Emphasizing the Role of Sovereign Wealth Funds”.