Child Development and Education

Field Description

How do children develop the knowledge, skills, and personality characteristics that allow them to become competent adults? How do differences among children emerge? How do culture, social context, and history condition these outcomes? The study of child development has become interdisciplinary in nature: psychologists conduct experiments to understand how children acquire basic conceptual categories and competencies; anthropologists write ethnographies that underscore the diverse ways in which childhood is experienced and understood across the world; historians undertake archival research to show how almost every aspect of childhood has changed over time; sociologists study the unequal worlds children experience today; political scientists and public policy analysts develop statistical tools to understand cross-sectional variation in the types and quality of early childhood education and its impact on life chances; educational specialists study the impact of early education and technology on learning outcomes, and more.

These are just some of the many dimensions of the Research Field on Child Development and Education. Students choosing to work in this area ask interdisciplinary questions such as: What is the impact of early childhood education on life-earning power?  How do cognitive and emotional developments reinforce each other? What are the most important factors explaining difference in learning outcomes, and what policy recommendations can be made to address them?

The ISF Research Field in Childhood Development and Education helps orient students to a multidisciplinary approach to these problems and questions.  Students work with a variety of methods — experiments, archival research, statistical analysis, and ethnography — and a variety of sources.  Courses are drawn from the School of Education, Gender and Women’s Studies, Psychology, Anthropology, and specific area studies programs, including Asian American, Chicano, and African-American Studies.

Recent ISF Senior Theses

  • Teaching them to Learn: A Comparative Media Analysis of Children’s Educational Programs in Korea and America
  • Bitter Sweet: Child-Trafficking and Labor in the Cocoa Industry in Côte d’Ivoire
  • Forgotten Children: A Study of the Educational Outcomes of Mexican Migrant Children in the United States
  • The Montessori Method: Pedagogy of the Past or a Vision of the Future?
  • Child-Directed Advertising as a Public Policy Issue: A Cross-National Analysis of Regulatory Policy Options Aimed at Mitigating the Negative Impact of Food Advertising to Children
  • Returns on Educations? The Story of how Educations Affects Life-Course Earnings for Indigenous People in Honduras
  • Children of Incarcerated Parents: Do Current Intervention and Educational Programs Work?
  • Democratic Education at U.C. Berkeley: Does Education Work as a Vehicle for Social Change?
  • Art and Human Development: Can Aesthetic Experiences Help Treat Children with Disabilities?
  • The Least Restrictive Environment in Autism Education: A Legal and Ethnographic Analysis

Relevant UC Berkeley Courses

  • Gender and Women’s Studies 134: Gender and the Politics of Childhood
  • Education 114: Early Development and Education
  • Education 190: Critical Studies in Education
  • Psychology 122: Introduction to Human Learning and Memory
  • Psychology 140: Developmental Psychology
  • Sociology 111AC: Sociology of the Family
  • African American Studies C133: Race, Identity, and Culture in Urban Schools
  • Anthropology 149: Psychological Anthropology
  • Asian American Studies 146: Asian Americans and Education
  • Chicano Studies 172: Chicanos and the Education System

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Alanen, Leena and Berry Mayall, eds. 2001. Conceptualising Child-Adult Relations. London: Routledge.

Ambert, Anne Marie. 1992. Effects Of Children on Parents. New York: Routledge.

Aries, Philippe. 1965. Centuries of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life. New York: Vintage.

Ausdale, Debra Van and Joe K. Feagin. 1996. “Using Racial and Ethnic Concepts: The Critical Case of Very Young Children.” 61(5):779–93.

Belle, Deborah, ed. 1989. Children’s Social Networks and Social Supports. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Blyth, D. A. and N. Leffert. 1995. “Communities as Contexts for Adolescent Development.” Journal of Adolescent Research(10):64–87.

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Brayfield, April, Sharon Gennis Deich, and Sandra L. Hofferth. 1993. Caring for Children in Low-Income Families: A Substudy of the Natioinal Child Care Survey, 1990. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press.

Britto, Pia Rebello, Patrice L. Engle, and Charles M. Super, eds. 2013. Handbook of Early Childhood Development Research and Its Impact on Global Policy. New York: Oxford University Press.

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