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Information Technology and Social Media

Field Description Revolutionary advances in the speed and capacity of information transmission can blind us to thinking that we are living in the first information revolution, but students studying IT and social media need to be aware of the earlier social and technological revolutions of the printed book, the telegraph, the radio, the telephone, and the television, among others.   Students interested in this research field should enroll in History and Information courses to understand both how the social character of information has changed across time and space, as well

Inequality Studies

Field Description The study of social inequality ranges from anthropological studies of hunter-gatherer societies to historical investigations of the “Great Divergence” among nation-states in the nineteenth century and the contemporary economics and social results of what scholars call patrimonial capitalism. However framed, the study of inequality is a truly interdisciplinary inquiry that includes empirical sociological and political measures of the dimensions and levels of inequality; interdisciplinary analysis of the varying bases of power in status, political and economic systems; the development of various statistical indices to measure inequality; the inheritance

Shreeharsh Kelkar

Shreeharsh is an interpretive social scientist interested in understanding how our new computing infrastructures of humans, algorithms, software, and data (or AI, as it’s all called these days) are changing labor, work practices, and expertise. PUBLICATIONS Kelkar, Shreeharsh. “Post-truth and the Search for Objectivity: Political Polarization and the Remaking of Knowledge Production.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 5 (2019): 86-106. Kelkar, Shreeharsh. “Engineering a platform: The construction of interfaces, users, organizational roles, and the division of labor.” New Media & Society 20, no. 7 (2018): 2629-2646. Ungated pre-print available on

Amm Quamruzzaman

Amm Quamruzzaman Email: I teach interdisciplinary research methods, introduction to social theory and cultural analysis, health and development, and the globalization of rights, values and laws in the 21st century. I also supervise Senior Thesis research, a capstone experience and final product of our ISF major students. I have received my MA in sociology from Queen’s University in Canada and PhD in sociology from McGill University. At McGill, I taught research methods, introductory sociology, sociology of culture, health and development, development and underdevelopment, technology and society, social movements, and

Fang Xu

Fang Xu is an urban sociologist with expertise in language, cultural identity, and public policies in urban China. Her other research interests lie in urban studies, consumption, nationalism, and migration. Dr. Xu currently works on a research project that investigates linguistic assimilation and linguistic discrimination experienced by first generation immigrants whose mother language is not English, and their opinions on the notion, “Be American, Speak English.” Publications Book: 2021. Silencing Shanghai: Language and Identity in Urban China. Lexington Books. Articles and Book Chapters: 2024. Aceska, A., Doughty, K., Tiryaki, M.

Christopher Adcock

A Fall 2014 graduate, Christopher is now pursuing concurrent MD/MPH degrees at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Chris wrote a comprehensive senior thesis on the dangers that the use of lead bullets poses to hunters and their families. He was a national semi-finalist for the William V. Campbell Trophy (Academic Heisman), selected for the PAC12 All-Academic first team three times, and listed as the second smartest player in college football in 2014 on Chris is also 2015 Oscar Geballe Post-Graduate Scholarship winner. Chris also

Huda Adem

After graduating in 2011, Huda participated as a Health Career Connection intern at Kaiser Permanente’s Regional Health Education, working on domestic health education projects that focused on cultural competency and outreach. Following this experience, she pursued her interests in global health by participating in a project with the World Health Organization in Cairo, Egypt doing research on community based initiatives. After 6 months, she returned to the US to complete Kaiser Family Foundation’s Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars program in Washington D.C. and engage in education and outreach around the

Vrinda Agarwal

Vrinda Agarwal previously interned at the White House and will start working full-time at Goldman Sachs as a Public Finance investment banking analyst after graduation this year (Spring 2015). She double majored in Political Science (Department Citation Winner) and ISF. Vrinda is very passionate about public service and leadership, and is a four-time recipient of the Cal Alumni Leadership Award. As a sophomore Vrinda co-founded the Big Ideas-winning non-profit organization 100 Strong, which serves to empower low income women through leadership development, mentorship, and entrepreneurship. 100 Strong has trained over

Sierra Alef-Defoe

Sierra Alef-Defoe completed her thesis on quality of life in pediatric cancer care in Spring 2015 following a course of study in global healthcare law. She has been admitted to Yale’s Summer Institute for Bioethics where she will continue her research on ethics in pediatric medicine. During her time at Cal, Sierra spent a semester in Washington, D.C., where she edited a guide for newly diagnosed brain tumor patients for Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure. She also spent one summer in the South of France, where she interned in the French

Melissa Barker

Melissa provides this abstract of her 2011 thesis: Attending UC Berkeley is Not Part of Your Welfare to Work Plan: The Social Impact of Welfare Reform on Low- Income Single-Mothers Pursuing Postsecondary Education: Single-mother-students on welfare are a small and unique demographic in the institutions of Higher Education. While conducting research on Maui County , Hawai ‘ i and in Alameda County, California I qualitatively examined the trajectory of single mothers on welfare pursuing higher education at the University of Hawai’i, Maui and University of California, Berkeley . Assessing the